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Jual Mesin Cutting Mimaki

Mesin Cutting Mimaki ini bisa di pakai untuk die cut material untuk sablon kaos. Dengan dilengkapi sensor pembaca, dengan mendeteksi maksimal 4 poin, pemotongan dibuat dengan akurasi tinggi dengan meminimalkan distorsi pada saat pencetakan dan laminating.

Vast Design Konika Minolta 512

Vast Design KM512 The Vast Design Konica Series is ideal for high-volume production printing in excellent quality with innovative Konica Minolta KM512/14pl print-heads, Max. Resolution up to 1440dpi, 2mm letter is easy and clear to see.THK high-precision linear guider, Fuji servo motor enables higher carriage speed and lower noise.

Dilli-UV Printer Neo Titan

UV Printer Neo Titan Neo Titan's specially formulated, 6-color (CMYKLcLm) UV pigmented ink set offers a wide color gamut and excellent adhesion on a wide range of rigid substrates. Outdoor life is up to 2-3 years depending on application. The inks cure instantly and print on inexpensive uncoated rigid and flexible substrates.

Winjet Spectra Polaris

4 pieces of well known Spectra polaris 512 durable print heads. Deliver high saturation, high speed over 90m² /hr for outdoor billboard. Precise ink positioning improve printing effect. Rigid and heavy duty body structure support high speed motion

Hp Designjet 5100

HP designjet 5100 wheter you are just starting up or looking to take your business to text level, the HP Designjet 5100 Printer offers you a reliable and cost-effective 60 inch large format printing solution. Your business will benefit from exceptional speeds of up to 52 m2/hr, ease-of-use, and extended uptime.

Software GMG

Setelah Mendapat keberhasilan mendapat kan kepercayaan merk terkenal large format printer , seperti HP, Canon, Epson, Mimaki,dsb, kini Printmate mendapatkan kepercyaan baru di product Software yaitu GMG Color Management.
Printmate  kini dipercaya untuk menjual semua product GMG Color sebagai Master Distributor di indonesia mulai bulan Juli 2011 ini.

Berikut ini meruipakan keuntungan menggunakan Software GMG :

  1. Reliable Data Handling.
    Dengan GMG Color Server mampu menangani data yang berbeda dengan baik dan benar sesuai dengan standarisasi internasional.
  2. Consisten  Color Result.
    Dengan GMG PrintControl dan GMG InkOptimizer mampu menciptakan warna yang sesuai dan konsisten serta mampu mereduce atau mengurangi penggunaan tinta yang tidak perlu, sehingga konsumsi tinta jadi lebih hemat.
  3. Time and Cost Saving.
    Dengan pengenalan standarisasi proses, color management dan Proses Control, setiap percetakan akan mampu menghemat waktu dan biaya. Dengan menggunakan Software GMG hal tersebut akan mudah didapat.
    Dengan GMG Software Solution, seperti : GMG ColorProof, GMG Dotproof for Proofing, GMG ColorServer dan GMG InkOptimizer untuk Color Management atau GMG PrintControl untuk proses control, Anda akan mendapatkan hasil produksi dengan kualitas tinggi. 

Easy and reliable proofing with the complete solution for the toughest quality demands!
In recent years, the multiple award winning proofing software GMG ColorProof established itself in many countries as the most professional software solution for producing digital contract proofs. The core element is the 4-D color-transformation engine that assures the highest possible quality and production reliability.
The 10 key functions and benefits at a glance

  • The GMG ProofStandard and CalibrationSet Technology avoids the output of faulty proofing jobs on printers or papers that are incapable of reproducing specific printing standards.
  • Since version 5.1, GMG ColorProof incorporates the new platform technology of GMG which enables the support of all current and future proofing printer generations.
  • The Adobe PDF Print Engine Technology helps to achieve identical color output as any Adobe-based RIP.
  • GMG ColorProof supports all standard spot color systems and is compatible with standard ICC profiles that can be combined with GMG profiles.
  • GMG ColorProof’s intuitive user interface can eliminate losing time opening submenus.
  • For Remote Proofing, complete proofing jobs including all settings can be exported and imported in order to achieve the same results at both the creator's end and the remote site.
  • With a correctly calibrated and profiled monitor, GMG ColorProof can provide viewing of jobs as soft proof.
  • Load Balancing, i.e. automatic splitting of proof jobs over free printers, maximizes productivity due to optimum capacity utilization.
  • Filter rules enable automated production allowing various workflows with different processing steps to be assigned to one hotfolder - GMG ColorProof automatically handles the correct further processing.
  • Various nesting-functions lead to a significantly higher degree of automation and to higher efficiency.

All functionalities of GMG ColorProof are correspondingly implemented in GMG DotProof and GMG FlexoProof.

Note: Although GMG ColorProof works with any media, it consistently produces the highest quality results when used with proofing-specific GMG media, manufactured to high tolerances specifically for color critical applications.

The proofing standard for the flexo and packaging markets

The product portfolio in flexo and packaging printing is characterized by far greater substrate and spot color diversity. Consequently, the demands on a digital proofing system are also higher in the packaging sector. GMG sets quality standards in this field with its GMG FlexoProof software, which is specifically geared to the needs of the flexo and packaging markets and creates color-accurate halftone proofs. The proof simulates any kind of substrate structures and spot colors.

Why a halftone proof?

In platesetting, parameters like screen, overprinting and trapping settings, as well as correction curves, have a decisive influence on the subsequent printed result. Should problems occur at this point, such as an unfavorable screen angle, incorrect trapping or overprinting settings, and also interpretation errors, this can only be detected at an early stage by means of a halftone proof created with the original imagesetter data.

GMG FlexoProof allows direct processing of 1-bit imagesetter data, so that they can be inexpensively proofed on inkjet printers, and errors detected before platesetting or the start of a press run.

The GMG FlexoProof XG (Extended Gamut) module is an additional option which enables users to make the most of th

e expanded color gamut of Epson Stylus Pro x900 and HP Designjet Z3200 printers. Far more spot colors can be simulated in a halftone proof.

Your benefits

  • optimal simulation of substrates
  • exact simulation of spot colors
  • increased production reliability
  • higher productivity
  • cutting costs, e.g. no imperfect prints, less paper waste.


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